Creating a game with my daughter (Part II)

4 min readMar 13, 2020


Part I
Part II
Part III

Step #3: The coding-nightmare

Credit: Markus Spiske/Piwabay

I started coding during my freetime since a while now but it has never been my main “strength” and I am lacking a lot of different things (code structure, algorithm knowledge, coding tricks…). But, as a gamedesigner, being able to code exactly what I have in mind (even if the code is a mess sshhht ^^’) is something cool… and time-consuming. A LOT. Even more when you try a one(two)-man-army game (did I told you I will also compose the musics? Well, I will keep that for another chapter… ;))

Thanks to a lot of try and retry in other projects I went for a state-structure right away: in each state the characters will be able to perform different type of actions. And honestly I don’t know how I will be able to handle this otherwise.

So after a few hours/days I were able to have bases of the system:

  • The state machine
  • A character which can moves
  • Our creatures following us

And here come the first two main characters from this nightmare, I call to the stand: the creatures behaviors & the inventory system! (Don’t even think of applause them!!!)

I will not go too deep in details but it was time-nerves-hair-consuming. After a while I was able to get:

  • Creatures replacement: we can now choose to swap, add and remove them.
  • The creatures keep their positions in the line whatever the direction (really important for the fighting gameplay later)
  • The grass with a random timer
  • Getting in attack state and spawning enemy’s creatures
For the attack state I wanted it to be faster and more immediate than in pokemon: keeping the same view and going back from attack to move state instantly (modulo the transition).
  • Selecting a creature and it’s target to attack
  • Trying a first “attack’s feeling” using visual feedbacks, creatures movements & shakescreen
  • The inventory system with the replacement

As you can see I also try to think inputs which can be used on smartphones & tablets. I mainly focus the development on PC but I want to try having it on mobile platforms too, so I need to think it from the start.

Step #4: Art improvement

I know, I shouldn’t do this at this stage. But as a lonesome indieboy…

… I NEED better graphics in order to keep my motivation intact (or at least at the treashold between motivation and ragequit).

So I searched in my old assets bought, in the web and inunity’s store for things I find interesting and that are within my style capabilities to rework/create other things in the same style. I finally found:

On my side I tried to rework a bit the Bullesines to make them fit better with the new art style. I tried something and get:

Credit: one of me in my head

In the end I also reworked all the animations for the first 3 animals and implemented them:

I think it’s a good start!

In the next steps I will work on creatures attacking behaviors (sic) and starting with NPC interactions.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next part!

